How much notice of cancellation is necessary to get my deposit back? 想把定金拿回来,要提前多长时间通知你才行?
If you cannot fulfill this professional commitment, give immediate notice of cancellation. 如果你无法全程参与,请立刻取消选课。
Immediately upon notice of cancellation, Seller shall cease all work and shall take all possible steps to cancel all orders. 在接到取消订单的通知后,卖方应该立即停止所有的工作并且采取相应的措施取消订单。
Once EPA decides to issue a notice of cancellation, a presumption arises in favor of suspension. 一旦环境保护局决定颁布一个撤销注册的通知,就会出现有利于终止注册的推断。
Notice of cancellation of screening! 取消放映启示请注意!
The department may serve notice to require the owners of premises emitting excessive noise to reduce it within a given period. Study on Adaptive Echo Cancellation and Noise Reduction 任何处所如发出过量噪音,该署可向处所拥有人发出消减噪音通知书,?令在限期内消减噪音。自适应回声抵消和噪声消除算法的研究
The article "Notice in writing ahead of 30 days" is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet. “提前30日书面通知”仅是劳动者主观履行的程序,而非其单方预告解除权客观所需满足的条件。
As to the cancellation of registration of notice registration, it is necessary for our law to enact regulations of that eliminating notice registration need apply for the cancellation of registration. 关于预告登记的注销登记,我国法有必要规定预告登记消灭,需办理注销登记。